Yep…I love me some “Rednecks”…as Southerners we are all lovingly referred to by the moniker “Rednecks”…I love it… In my culture Southerners are hardworking, respectful, loyal and a brave bunch of people…We don’t believe in classes of people—we’re a family of one people—meaning, we’re not better than our northern, western or eastern neighbors, nor are to be looked down on.
We have morals, we believe in fidelity in our relationships and do our best to raise “good” children. No, we’re not perfect…..just trying to work hard and be good people…pretty simple concept… We love God and don’t try to “stuff it down your throat”-- but try to live as an example to all.
I’ve never seen a riot but I have often seen my community support sick children who need medical treatment, right here in “my” South.
I’ve never had a neighbor “walk away” when I’ve needed help and I pray that I will be able to help my neighbors when they have needs…
I’ve never been in a group of “rednecks” when I wasn’t treated with respect and welcomed…And I have returned their kindness and respect.
I’ve never been shot at or cursed at when I walked in a neighborhood where I was a stranger…
I am educated and committed to the education of my children and grandchildren. I enjoy the diversity that is brought to the classroom by teachers from other regions of our country and the other countries of the world.
I do not fear those who are different than I am and have different opinions than I do. I appreciate and respect the discussions that I have with those who have different ideas than I do.
Most of all…I respect people…all people…
These principles are a “Redneck” norm in my life.
I believe in "One Nation, under God…”
I am not anonymous. I stand behind what I write and speak.
Thank you,
…more pix from the Tea Party
VFW 1848 with the colors (American flag and the nation and people that it represents) (that’s my hubby in the center—he spent exactly 43 percent of his life defending this country as a member of the Navy…most of that time was spent in submarines (I can’t even imagine being in a metal container underwater for as many months as the food can possibly last) and is now devoting his “new” career to our nations veterans…even though he is a California native, he has become a proud “Southerner”…
The VFW has been fighting for veteran’s rights and represent American service people who have fought for our continuing freedoms.
Dennis Dudley on the bagpipes.
Donated items for the troops...
Veterans and their families carried the care packages across the park to the truck while everyone sang God Bless America.
Before the tea parties, I had no idea that there were so many Americans who are so disillusioned with our government. Funny thing---It's both parties (Republicans and Democrats) that most people are upset with.. I can certainly agree with that. I hope "we the people" can do something about this mess... Strength in numbers, you know!
This is a great post Becky, I agree wholeheartedly with you! What a nice day this was.