Hello, I'm
Buddy...the pack leader here at
Thoughtfully Blended Hearts...I've got 'em trained pretty well here, so life is goooooood!!!!!!!! That's my Daddy behind me, I let him sit in this pretty red recliner when he's home and I keep his lap warm, all fifty pounds of me.
We're the best of buds and he comes home every evening just for me, don't be lettin Mom or Zoe or Snakebit know about this since they all think its all about them. Daddy and I go for long runs in the fields surrounding "my" home and I keep everyone safe and free from the bad guys, ya know about bad guys dontcha... I'll growl and bark at strangers unless they cough up some nice dog treats and then I'm pretty sure they are the "good guys".
Daddy says my parents were a Labrador and a Border Collie cause thats where I got my good looks and shiny coat. I can run like the wind and herd my pack (Zoe and Snakebit) like a pro. I looooovvveeee me some fancy bandanas cause they look good on me and I get all excited when Mom brings out a new one. Face it, I am one photogenic dude, so I pose for Mom's silly camera a lot.
#1 Daughter and Sassy bring me some fine duds on a regular basis. #1daughter sure looks a lot like Mom and Sassy is the Grandpuppy. That grandpuppy just weighs about five pounds so it's my job to protect her when she visits us. Mom will introduce you to Sassy and #1Daughter soom.