Friday, July 23, 2010
Celebrating An Anniversary
“The Election Isn’t Over…We’ve Already “Won”…”
Huh…Tiffany said this to Michael and me last night…“we’ve already won”, she wasn’t talking about the winning number
of votes but the value of running this campaign in our great nation!!!
Mr. Randy Smith of Jackson, TN. is running for the Republican nomination to run
as their candidate for the eighth Congressional District of Tennessee.
This is Tiffany and Randy…Randy is the chef at Baudo’s Restaurant in Jackson…
and what a chef…here’s what we had to eat after talking to Randy and Tiffany and some of their children…
Michael had the stuffed Grouper….with that gorgeous sauce…
This is my chicken Picatta…I cut it so you could see that luscious chicken and that
sauce was a lovely light lemony concoction…served with pasta…it was divine!!!
This is Randy showing us his antique wine press…Randy’s Grandfather actually used this press
in Chicago…(not in TN). I love that they can display something that has a lovely family history.
Family and the love of family is such an important characteristic for a political candidate…
Randy told me about his children with a beaming face and a giggle that only a Grandad can carry off.
Yes, he is the grandfather of Connor, who is one year old. Connor’s Dad is Randy’s oldest son Dion.
Sydney is Randy’s adult daughter and …
This is the hug that I caught between Randy and Nicoletta…Nicoletta is 10 years old and a
darling little lady!!!
“Lemme see that…”…my first photo caught this little guy, Peyton who is four…that’s not furry hair, it’s a hat…
This is Mr. Jackson, who is six, he came prepared!!! …for anything…
This family portrait says it all…Randy Smith…YOU HAVE ALREADY WON and it
is not even election day!!! You’ve won the love and respect of a great number
of people, including your family, in the eighth congressional district. You won our hearts and respect the first time you
whipped that tattered copy of the Constitution out of your breast pocket…and it wasn’t a political ploy…because we know
that you believe in that document and honor all of the people who have fought so diligently to preserve it.
You’ve WON because these two ladies, Tiffany and your beautiful Mother, Sharon know exactly who you are
and where you stand. YOU’VE WON because you devoted four years during Desert Storm in the US Navy serving
aviation ordnance for the A-6.
You’ve already WON because these precious people are safe…
You’ve already WON because of your work and support of all these people…silently and in the background…
like so many heroes do…
You’ve weathered this tough campaign at your own expense. You and Tiffany have conducted the most respectful campaign
of all the candidates. My compliments to the two of you for not allowing negativity to taint your campaign.
This is Randy Smith and his political opponents
Dr. Ron Kirkland
Mr. Steve Fincher
Dr. George Flinn
I have met and talked to each of these men several times recently and I suspect
that each one of them have somewhat similar stories to Randy…similar but different. We have four very good candidates,
four very good men…not perfect men…by uniting we can do anything in the name of Jesus Christ is my
prayer for each one of you!!! Good luck Randy and all of the opponents. Each one of you are winners!!!
Now I just want to share some more of my photos…as you can see, I had a blast with this family!!! Maybe I should call these the “Out takes”…
Guess which one was the most “challenging”???

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- Thoughtfully Blended Hearts
- Tennessee, South, United States
- Intense...the best description of living and loving life that I know...without intensity, life is mediocre and without definition...