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Friday, May 15, 2009

Tying up “Loose Ends”…

This will be a hodgepodge of “loose ends” today…

My “wordless Wednesday” and “outdoor Wednesday” posts had a lot of photos…I’ll recap some about them…

The Retreat photos were made at a resort…Esta’s White River Resort in the Mountain View/White River, Arkansas area,

Esta’s White River Resort

…we spent the weekend in Batesville, Ark. celebrating and attending this young lady’s graduation from Lyon College

Lyon has a very unique Scottish Heritage thing going on, I loved the bagpipes…

This was the torchlighting ceremony held after baccalaureate…the flames in the background are the graduates holding flaming torches…

and the boat in the water held the fireworks…this was reallllyyyy cooollll….I’m so happy that we got to experience this with our good friends…

Thanks Jackie and Lou…thanks for including us…

Now those famous chickens….!!!!!!!!!

These are the only two chicken/rooster photos I have ever taken…so enjoy, It would be a really freaky circumstance for me to have any more chicken photos, but I know a blogger who has chickens and takes gorgeous photos…so, bloggers unite and harass her to take more “CHICKEN/ROOSTER” photos…Candy’s Camera…she takes great photos and needs some traffic to her site, you won’t be wasting your time, she is really good….

All of these waterfall/rock pictures were taken at the Esta’s White River Resort…

They call this “Hog Country”…

Even their gas/convenience stores in this town celebrate the “Hog” theme…just a little differently…eye candy for the guys…

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Tennessee, South, United States
Intense...the best description of living and loving life that I know...without intensity, life is mediocre and without definition...