Impatience…that’s where I am right now…ready for Nature’s color to envelope me in her arms…but, God is laughing at me now…it’s just not quite—there—not yet…
I found some pretties at Goodwill this week and was eager to photograph some outside “stuff” and I thought an outside dinner would be nice…it wasn’t nice weatherwise…it was warm but ever so windy…blew the geraniums off the plant, the tablecloth in every which direction, trash on my dishes so I settled for photographing….stuff…while I tried to do a little damage control of my environment…
…yep, there’s Zoe’s head…Nothing gets past that girl…ok, edit…
The wind blew the geranium bloom on the plates…so I’ll call it “natureplatescaping”…
…pretty cool, huh…except for one thing…that’s my reflection in the spoon…of all places…ok…"spoon portraiture”…may be on to “something” here…just not quite sure what…
…a little messy…but considering the spring winds…about as good as it’ll get…everything is from GW except my silverware and the lemons…
Pretty cute little basket for a couple of bucks and the aforementioned broken geranium bloom…

I got three of these chippy old plates for $1.99 and four of the clear salad plates (I think they’re Fostoria) for $2.99…
I love this stem…it is my favorite for a glass of wine…(inside where pieces of geraniums don’t fly into it)…aaahhhh composure and a zen-like feeling is trying to get my attention now…
I’m leaving you with this lovely geranium shot…and taking my glass inside for ….well you know…
Thanks for visiting and “enjoying” my failed rescheduled for later outdoor dinner party….