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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Being Thankful…

There are many things that aren’t like I think they should be in my family’s lives but I understand that He has a plan and I’m thankful for His plan. If I didn’t believe in Him, I would be lost, thinking that I was the one with the plan. It is such a peaceful state of mind when I realize that He is in control.


Today I’m thankful that it is His plan and I only have to listen and be patient. Patience is something that I struggle with and I am just now beginning to achieve. I am a WIP……Work In Progress. Some days I make good progress and some days I slip backward and have to start all over. I am the only person on earth that I can change.


This week has been a whirlwind of activities and work for me. I’m slowing down right now to think about what I’m thankful to Him for…I’m thankful that he is in control, not me. I am thankful to be loved.


I am thankful to love.

image  I am thankful for simple pleasures that enrich my soul and make me wonder …how, when, why???


I am thankful for the miracles that I witness every day, like a sunflower blooming under the birdfeeder the week of Thanksgiving!


He lives there and I can walk out of my back door and see that earthly place and understand that He really doesn’t live anywhere…He is everywhere and I am thankful for that epiphany.


I am thankful for every time I see a miracle such as a slice of His moon…


In my same footsteps I turn and see this…I’m speechless and full of awe for Him.


The wonder of Thanksgiving week roses…


Remember that love thing I talked about…image


Have a beautiful Thanksgiving Holiday!!!


Photos from my back yard… registered & protected

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Tennessee, South, United States
Intense...the best description of living and loving life that I know...without intensity, life is mediocre and without definition...