Look what we found on the streets of DC…
They really need some traffic regulations here…
Mom, you know you are the truest Patriot I’ve ever known, we did it for you today. We visited offices of legislators and met with them voicing our concerns and disappointments with our present government. Mom, we weren’t alone, DC was full of patriots today. Every office and hallway was full of citizens concerned with our government. Mom, Justin, Jackie and I talked personally with Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee!!! We even met with Senator Alexander’s (of Tennessee) chief of staff…
We told him what we were scared of…and there are a lot of scared people to keep us company in your good ole’ USA today. We feel like we’re doing some thing about “it”.
I’ve never heard the word Communist bounced around more in my entire life. Yes, Mom, there is a whole lot of very angry people here in your USA…They’re MAD and they’re not gonna take it anymore.
We’ve gotten the advice of “Keep up what you’re doing now, inundate all the offices with letters, calls and emails…(faxes don’t seem to work too well). Keep up all the calls, etc. everyday, study everything you can get your hands on…look for online blogs and Fox news…the mainstream news media is not telling the truth to us citizens. We have to be activists for ourselves since our government has been “hijacked”…I use that term with all its implications. Visit your representatives’ websites and sign up for emails and news from them.
Ray Jones and David Lowrance of Bartlett, Tn. and Germantown, TN.
Kristy Bilbrey of Cookeville, Tn….a small business owner, like my son, who is concerned about small business owners being crushed in every direction from government. She had to reduce her staff by many numbers….LOST JOBS….she wants to employ her people but government is making it impossible for to do so.
More of us “Right Wing Extremists”, from Memphis….wow aren’t they “evil”!!!! Look the one on the right is a MOBSTER, it says so on her button!!! oooohhhhhhh
More of us “EVIL” people…waiting for an early morning conference with Mr. Corker….the room was standing room only eventually…pretty good for a rainy Friday morning in DC…
The room was beginning to fill…
Thanks Sen. Corker, for treating us like concerned adults….not everyone treated us like you did.
One on one time….
Due to some incorrect directions, the three of us, Justin, Jackie and me, missed our scheduled appointment with an Alexander correspondent….These super nice people heard us trying to get another appointment and asked us to join them at their appointment…Can you believe that…and we did!!!! This is Grace and Brian Wruck, they’re from Morristown, Tn. and we’re their biggest fans.
David Morgenstern and Curtis Swager of Sen. Alexander’s office.
Justin and David….
This is how our feet feel!!!