Yep, I’ve been “ politikkin” today…well as close as I have ever been to being close to politics. I got real brave and went to a town hall meeting that one of the Senators from Tennessee held. Yea, I know, I’ve heard all about the awful things that go on in these meetings and I went anyway. See, I’m pretty comfortable with the folks who live in my area and trust them, even though my views don’t always reflect theirs. I sat right in the middle of a group of citizens who were on the opposite side of legislation that I am…and you know what……they treated me just like they treated each other!!! Now, that is what America is all about.
This man has just influenced my views about politicians…Senator Bob Corker, from Chattanooga…He was a perfect gentleman who respected every person in this Town Hall Meeting. Now, he fielded some pretty tough questions covering lots of things that are going on in our nation right now. I’m not going to quote his remarks here since I don’t think I’m qualified to do so.
He even politely listened to my concerns dealing with how the healthcare legislation that is being proposed could be compared to Tricare (active and military retiree insurance).
See this lady, she asked Senator Corker some of the most difficult questions that were posed to him. She works in the small community where this Town Hall Meeting was held.
A local politician, Judy Barker, from an opposing political party was in attendance, also. Ms. Barker was available for questions from her constituents after Senator Corker’s meeting concluded. Kudos for Ms. Barker!!!
These ladies asked some hard questions also. One lady asked about abortion issues and others issued their opinions about other issues.
This nice lady, Shirley, registered everyone and gave us all a name tag…Sen. Corker addressed us by our first names…cool…
…and this lovely lady…I don’t know if she asked any questions, but I asked her if I could take her photo simply because I thought she was so cute in her orange outfit.
Senator Corker has given me a new view on politicians…they’re not all “Bad”, like I’ve been thinking…he actually has some morals and is listening to the people who elected him and who pay his salary. Now, maybe I’m thinking, there could be a few more. I’m open to getting to know some more people who speak and act with morality.
Also, he was treated with great respect and even got a standing ovation and he reciprocated by treating everyone with great respect. Thank God, maybe we’re not going to go down the tubes after all!!!