Good news from here…
The car is fixed!!!
My cell phone has been replaced, it was still under warranty!!!
I even got an upgrade!!! Now I have the new Droid, and I like it even better!!!
Right now, Paul, my friend and favorite plumber is installing a new hot water heater
Woo Hoo…one cold shower was enough for the next couple of decades!!!
The only thing I need to tackle is clean up and that “Samsung” refrigerator from “Hell”…
Clean up will consist of washing every towel etc. we own because we had to use everything to mop up a million gallons of water that escaped from my 30 gallon water heater…It’s like spilling milk…where does all that come from??? Lucky we were both home when it happened and I have a great plumber who came immediately!!! The plumbing God was watching over me on that one!!!
Now lets do something fun!!! I played with this photo of Reelfoot Lake in Picasa…adding some texture!!!
It sort of reminds me of an old postcard…
Retail Therapy and Puppy Dogs…make me forget all my troubles!!!