My Tablescape exploded…
into a riot of color!!!
I think I’ll have to edit it…a lot!!!
Dining table, chairs, sofa tables, sleds, candelabra, red, white, blue, green…
a whole lot “too” much…
It’s like being on a psychedelic sugar-high…
I could have titled it… “The Psychedelic Pomegranate” or
“The Psychedelic Poinsettia-Pomegranate”
Or…It could be “What Not To Do In A Red Dining Area”…
“What In The World Was That Woman Drinking From The Teapot”???
My Dining Room Table Just Upchucked…Everything But The Kitchen Sink!!!
…with Hearts Thrown In 
I have seen the light now…
nothing but white dishes from now on…
I want to save my family’s eyesight!!!
Call Oprah, Dr. Phil, The Hoarders Crew or The American Pickers…
this blogger needs an intervention …STAT…
My name is Becky and I am a blogger with too much stuff on my table…
Please hold my hand while I revert back to my previous
Please visit Marty for Table Top Tuesday