Do you have a home office that is in need of modern office furniture ???
CSN and I are giving away $30 for one of my followers to shop with any of their stores.
I know I need office furniture since I am trying to put together a home office. Well at least I have the wall paper pulled off the walls and have it all
freshly painted.
Just leave a comment on this post and be a follower and I’ll draw for someone to win the $30 gift certificate...
I’ll draw the winner from comments on this post on Tuesday, Feburary 22 and announce the winner on Tuesday night.
Just leave a comment and tell me that you are a follower...easy Peasy...

I would love to have this great laptop stand...since I blog on my laptop...while sitting in my nice cushy recliner...
CSN even has all kinds of paper and ink for my printer...who knew that???