This little poinsettia is about six inches tall and cost seventy-five cents…
This is the shot I used (cropped) in my current header
Megan @ Beauty In The Attempt is asking the question this week …
“Why Do You Blog?”…
Since I ask myself that question quite frequently,
I thought it would be fun to participate.
Blogging is so time consuming that it boggles my mind--
as to why I love it so… here goes my
answer/excuse/reason etc..
Why Do I Blog?
1. I love it2. I love meeting so many diverse people and seeing into their lives
3. Creativity
4. There is no limit to things that are covered in blogs (I found a blog about a lady beekeeper today…a secret dream of mine…)
5. Blogging has no deadlines…I am in control of any deadlines …
6. It gives me joy when I see the good in so many people (I know not all bloggers are good)
7. Freedom (One I am not willing to give up…this freedom to blog is precious and is to be
cherished and guarded from those who want to control it)
8. My new love of photography (I never had a “real” camera until my sweetie bought me one so I could blog)
9. Growth (learning and growing in my knowledge keeps me young…well at least in my mind)
10. Learning…anything and everything…