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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Just Outside My Door...


Just outside my door is a trellis with a Clematis Vine

...and this year we have a birds nest...

It had only one egg the day I took these photos

Now it has three...

I’m kind of excited!!!



The photo above is from my files, I think it was a Dogwood Bush or something

like that...I don’t think it has bloomed since it’s first year...



I think this Candy Tuft might be my favorite perennial ...



This Japanese Maple is more of a bush than a tree...

it is about four feet tall and probably six feet in diameter...



It currently has a nice crop of weeds, ivy and a black dog under it...



Michael thinks this Japanese Kerria is downright invasive..

I love those prolific blooms...

“Wild with abandon” comes to mind when I look at them...


imageI love taking photos of them...

Wishing all of you a Happy Easter Holiday

Enjoy your families!!!



Just a little snippet of the Phlox...

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Tennessee, South, United States
Intense...the best description of living and loving life that I know...without intensity, life is mediocre and without definition...