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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Blog Fodder AKA Outtakes

I read a blog recently (can’t remember who or where) about the signs of being a blogger…

It mentioned cameras, tripods and assorted lighting set-ups decorating your home…

I thought I’d add my own..

  1. A photographic “subject” staged and everything else in the room tossed out of the camera’s lens view…
  2. A plethora of “projects” started or in various stages that live in our homes…
  3. Camera lens, camera bags, camera filters, camera batteries etc. being all over your home and car…
  4. An extra camera stuffed in your handbag or pocket…
  5. Buying a cellphone on the merits of “camera” pixels…
  6. Doing things or going places simply because it will be “blog fodder”…
  7. Stalking the neighborhood pets or flowers for “photo opps”…
  8. Your husband calling to ask if you’d like go somewhere on the merits of---“You would get some great shots of…”
  9. Scheduling vacations or day trips according to the hours of “good lighting”..
  10. Family events/dinners have to wait until the food is staged and photographed…
  11. Spending time thinking about fonts and copyrights…


I have an idea…lets start a “group”…Bloggers Anonymous..I think it could help with addictive blogging…




I put off finishing this bedroom so that I could use the bedroom door as a table

and my step stool for a prop…notice the use of a “drop cloth” and a

thrifted tablecloth…on the right is my “project” awaiting work…


image I guess I thought the little bird would be “interesting”…


image I promise, cross my heart, these were not full of wine…even though it looks like the photographer

could have been…well…you know!!!



I’m not sure what I was trying to accomplish here…

but that is some great detail on that bowl… registered & protected

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Tennessee, South, United States
Intense...the best description of living and loving life that I know...without intensity, life is mediocre and without definition...