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Monday, March 22, 2010

Some Tea Party Fun…


Since I’m such a big fan of Rhondi’s beautiful photos, I thought I’d share some photos of a couple of tea sets that I have in my files.


This set belongs to my friends Jackie and Louis, they have beautiful things in their century old renovated home.


This is Jackie and Louis in their dining room. Louis prepared a wonderful meal and the evening was so special with good friends and riveting conversation. Some local wine was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Jackson.


This little teaset belongs to me, my husband purchased it at an auction here in the town where we live. It is Shofu, made in Occupied Japan. He buys the good stuff, I shop at Goodwill. I will have to get some better photos of this set soon. registered & protected

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Tennessee, South, United States
Intense...the best description of living and loving life that I know...without intensity, life is mediocre and without definition...