I don’t know where this week has gone...
it has flown by.
Aaaahhhhh, summertime, that’s the reason it goes by so swiftly.
It’s like a fleeing moment of freedom that
I don’t always stop to savor.

I did stop long enough to snap some photos of my hydrangeas...
Our heat will probably dry them up soon...

These were some wildflowers I spotted growing behind a
building where I was attending a meeting .
(Crazy lady running around with the camera looking
under, over and around things!!!)
I believe that they are Coreopsis.

You know that I wouldn’t be a true Southerner
if I didn’t have a few Magnolia photos!

Magnolias are beautiful but I never have wanted one in my yard.
I get leaves from neighbors’ yards and they are like
tough cardboard, they take forever to disintegrate and
usually have to be picked up by hand.

We always enjoy our Spiderwort plants...
They never need any care...just a little appreciation occasionally.
I’m joining Tootsie for
Fertilizer Friday

Have a beautiful weekend peeps!!!