I took the day off from the chaos in my life today and played with my Canon Rebel…chaos meaning my upside down house…weedy garden…
playful puppies and all those necessary errands…everything but the dogs can wait until tomorrow…I’m having a “Becky” day…
I’m staying home, dragging “stuff” onto the front porch and maybe the yard later in the day and playing “photographer”…ok I can dream too!!!
Since my house is upside down waiting for a young man to finish my painting that I started and now can’t finish, I’m gonna play…

It’s a little basket from the thrift store…with a star in the wire handle!!!! cute…ehhh…it doesn’t take a lot to entertain me!!!

Same little basket among some other “stuff”…

Now it has a little bouquet of daisies and some crepe myrtle blooms and tied with a scrap of flag fabric…

Here is the star on top of the basket in this cropped photo…I pulled up some fresh variegated ivy to place around the little patriotic wreath…
the wreath is from Hobby Lobby and I don’t know what it’s made of but I just love it…

…a close up of the wreath..

on the door…

Sticking with my little basket theme here in the foreground..the bigger picture…with my wreath on the table and a basket full of china and that
beautiful table topper thingy that I bought at a thrift store in Wisconsin….let me tell ya…Wisconsin had some good thrift stores!!!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts…heart plate…ivy accent in heart shape…get it??? Please!!!

…does it look a little more “heart like” here??? …well, maybe that wasn’t such a good idea…

I put the whole shebang under my little red painted chandelier…ok, there is still some paper towel stuffed in one of the light sockets
and it has no bulbs or shades but it is red…I’m sure my sweet hubby will get around to installing it in the bedroom that is being
remodeled!!! I have the bulbs and the light shades and won’t it be so cute…I sprayed it red and antiqued it a little…btw…got it at a
thrift store… Yeeks the mold is back on the gutters…it does that on this porch since it is on the north side of the house…guess that
will have to go on my list to clean…
…details of the table topper/ doily thingy…
…before I snatched the ivy off the porch sides…I have to get it all off the porch soon…it is very damaging to brick mortar if allowed to grow there for very long…the roots of the ivy will grow through the mortar and destroy the mortar…of course the mortar is the “glue” that holds your bricks together.

In a few days I will take my hoe and pull it all off the bricks and chop it all back away from the house…then in a couple of years it will be back growing up the house again…
Ok…I’m through playing with these toys…think I’ll go make a pitcher of iced tea and find a nice fat juicy lemon and take a break from my “hard day of playing” :-)

This is a photo from 2009…I remember how hot it was that day!!!