I live in a very small town. There aren’t many places to shop in this small town and when I have a few extra minutes I like to shop some. I usually don’t really need much since my husband and dogs don’t have a lot of “needs”. I prefer to shop antique, thrift, second hand shops and enjoy getting a bargain on a piece of furniture that I can re-finish or some old dishes that I enjoy. I don’t need any of this!!!
I love white milk glass…these are probably not milk glass…but I like them and got them at Goodwill!!!
For the past five or so years we’ve had a local Goodwill Store and I’ve enjoyed buying things that I didn’t need but have enjoyed. For the past year or so the prices on everything have climbed and climbed.
This red ceramic basket was a white ceramic basket…I wanted a red one…so I spray painted it red…
I know this area very well and know what the average working family can spend for clothes, etc. Goodwill has priced themselves out of reach of most working families’ budgets.
I purchased this cute little tree at Goodwill—it was silver—I painted it white
Goodwill has been on my mind recently…while blog surfing I happened upon someone who also was having some of the same questions. Jan @ http://wwwbobbypinsboardwalk.blogspot.com/ posted about Goodwill and a Goodwill representative addressed her concerns. I think I’m going to have to agree with her but it hurts since I’ve enjoyed shopping at Goodwill before their recent price increases.
I purchased four of these silver goblets at Goodwill, they went to my Lindsey’s house…and I did not spray paint them!!!
I have this love/hate relationship with Goodwill. I want it to be beneficial to someone when I purchase or donate things!!! I don’t want my money lining some big shot’s pockets!!!
If anyone finds one of these at Goodwill---CALL ME ASAP--- I want it!!!
Jan has a fabulous blog!!! Visit her and see what she and others have to say about Goodwill…http://wwwbobbypinsboardwalk.blogspot.com/