To My Beautiful Daughter, I Love You...
A French Bulletin Board Tutorial

finished view...

close up view showing vintage picture frame painted bright white
this is the color my daughter preferred, she said it looked clean...

items needed for this project are...
- frame (vintage, new or repurposed)
- enough fabric to cover your particular board
- foam core board
- stapler or hot glue
- measuring tape
- straight edge
- scissors
- razor knife or drywall saw for cutting foam core board
- fabric and coordinating ribbon (I had 1 yd. of fabric and 2 small spools of satin ribbon)
- batting (see Pic below)

Measure your frame for the correct size of foam core board and mark with pencil lines, I used one of those neat cutting boards that clearly marks measurements.

I used a level to cut alongside, I couldn't find my razor knife but this small drywall saw worked great, I just scored along the level a couple of times for each cut and bent the cut for a perfect fit.

Use a forty-five degree angle with your cutting tool to get a good cut.

Check your size and be sure to leave a small amount of space to allow for fabric batting and fabric.

I used two layers of batting for my board, just layer them together when you cut them.

I planned on using staples, but I was out of staples so I used hot glue. The glue gun was a perfect tool since it gave me some time to manipulate the fabric. Just start with each edge and pull tight and fasten with hot glue. After gluing the corners, start with the sides and work all four sides by gently pulling and gluing the fabric.
Continue wrapping the entire board and place your ribbon in a pleasing symmetrical pattern. Attach each end of your ribbon with glue....I did weave my ribbon...which was a nice touch. If you forget to weave the ribbon you can always pull one end of the ribbon loose (hot glue comes off easily) and reapply that end of the ribbon.

Insert your covered board into the frame and apply more hot glue on the back just to secure the board into the frame.

I added a sawtooth hanger on the back and its done.
That turned out very nicely! Thanks for the visit and sweet words!