There is no doubt about “dogs” ruling here at Thoughtfully Blended Hearts!
There is always something to giggle about...
even if it is a dog “butt”..

Most days we have white squirrels and grey squirrels
stealing bird seed from the feeders.

Zoe can sing us a song as we work around “Thoughtfully Blended Hearts”.

Grandpuppy Sassy is quite capable of watch “duty”...
alerting us to any “squirrel attack”.

Zoe is the pro when it comes to photography duty...
she sniffs out the very best photo locations!

She has also been known to “shmooze” around with our guests.
Anything for a photo opp!!! That’s my girl...always thinking
about getting cute pics for the blog.

Grandpuppy Sassy can “shake a tail” for a photo opp anytime!!!
It is a family blog ya know!!!

No problem around here when we need Christmas Card Cuties.

Our CEO, Mr. Buddy, keeps everyone on time and in place.
Would you dare be late when you know those eyes will be scolding you?

Mr. Buddy, CEO, is also Mr. Photogenic here at TBH.
You can always count on him for a pensive moment.

...or a good roll in the grass...whatever.

Sassy and my girl.

Zoe and my boy, aka (her boy).

Michael and “the kids”.

The staff here at TBH...it is all about the “blog”
and providing our “peeps” with
continual cuteness!!!

Linking up to honor Donna’s Beethoven over at Funky Junk.