Yes, there are some “dirty little secrets” in our politics.
This is one of our biggest even though I fudged on the “dirty” part…
This secret is completely fabulous… shhhhh…don’t let this one get around!!!
We have some of the most wonderful young fun-loving young people involved in politics!!!
Surprising??? Not so…why in the world would we keep being involved…if it was old people and boring people???
Here are some of the photos I snapped last night at a local event that was held in my bff’s home…enjoy!!!

There was a red, white and blue cake!!!

“Hunky” young men…

mmmm…. maybe I got a few too many shots 

State Senators who also “Chef”…for his friends!!!

A little one-on-one time with technology…

Everyone wants some prime rib…

There are so many wonderful faces that have gotten interested in our
local politics, it has been such a pleasure getting to know all of them
because they represent our future!!! This group gives me more
hope than anything I’ve seen, real people with real ideas!!!
…and they know how to have fun!!!
See you over at Mary’s Little Red House!!!